PayBear Review: A New Multi-Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway

paybear review

When Bitcoin was first introduced in 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto, its creator, heralded the cryptocurrency as ‘peer-to-peer electronic cash’. Nearly an entire decade later in 2018, Bitcoin and every other digital currency out there is still struggling to make mass adoption a reality.

In this article, we are delving into the PayBear review, detailing on the cryptocurrency payment gateway.

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The Ultimate Ripple (XRP) Guide for Beginners

ripple guide

Cryptocurrencies were not originally conceived to be market instruments to be traded in the global financial markets. They were originally conceived as solutions to existing problems within particular ecosystems. Within the global financial sector, there exists an ecosystem which is concerned with cross-border payments and remittances.

These have traditionally been handled at the level of commercial banks and third-party money transfer companies. However, this system of global remittances and payments has been riddled with specific challenges. It is these challenges that have led to the conceptualization of a cryptocurrency known as Ripple (XRP).

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Coss stands for “Crypto One Stop Solution.” It’s an ambitious project that aims to combine an altcoin exchange with a marketplace for goods, payment gateway for sellers, crowdfunding platform and more.

On top of all that, it’s one of the few exchanges (and arguably the only altcoin exchange) that will support fiat-to-crypto trading. This will include USD, EUR, and SGD (Singapore Dollar) pairings beginning in March 2018.

While all this has many investors bullish on Coss, the current state of the exchange website is a bit more modest. It’s known mainly at this point as a clunky exchange where you can pick up some underground coins like Kin and Gatcoin, as well as its native COSS Token.

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The Ultimate Monero (XMR) Guide: Complete Review

monero guide

In today’s world of advanced civilizational dependence on technology, one can barely make the case that today’s society, although declaring to respect and cherish individual freedoms, gives any value to one of the essential human needs- privacy.

Individual dignity, integrity, personal autonomy, and independence are one’s essence as a human being, and these values lay the grounds of what humans conceptualize as privacy.

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