Aragon Review – Decentralising Organizations

Just a little over a year ago, in a very casual dinner in Barcelona during the 4YFN, Luis Ivan Cuende introduced completely changed my view of the blockchain technology. At the time, I had been reading about it, but it sounded like science fiction to me. However, described by Luis, It did sound very real. A couple of months later, Aragon’s white paper and Alpha version were released. But, before moving forward, what is Aragon?

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Introduction to Holochain, A Post-Blockchain Crypto Technology

When Bitcoin entered the scene in 2008/2009, it wasn’t with a bang. Designed as an alternative to the legacy financial system, it attracted little attention at first, not least because few people really understood it. For the first few years, the majority of the conversation centred on the currency aspect – for good reasons. It was only in the last few years that the conversation shifted to the underlying technology that makes Bitcoin work: the blockchain.

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