Non-fungible tokens, more commonly referred to now as NFTs, have seen an explosion in popularity in the past year. Art collectors and investors alike have seen the value in these unique digital artworks, with some selling for millions of dollars. This has led to something of a gold rush in the space as many investors have scooped up NFTs hoping for massive returns.
While some of these investors have been able to make massive profits on early investment in the space, the jury is still out on whether NFTs will become a long-term investment, or if they are nothing more than a passing fad. That said, NFTs are a very promising development for creators and artists, and as an added bonus they are being seen as an ethical means to approaching art investing.
The following article will define NFTs, and then provide you with a step-by-step guide to creating or minting NFTs. So, if you’ve become interested in the process of NFT creation sit back and learn how to mint NFTs.